Membership Information
A Full Voting Member is entitled to one vote on any matters brought forth to the membership, will be eligible to apply for grants managed by the association, and will transition to a tiered dues structure based on annual operating budget.
PLEASE NOTE: Clinics must first join FAFCC as Associate Clinics before transitioning to Full Voting Membership once eligible.Full Voting Member
Membership Dues Rates:
Operating Budget
Dues Amount
Less than $99,999
$100,000 - $199,999
$200,000 - $499,999
$500,000 - $699,999
Greater than $700,000
Affiliate Member
FAFCC welcomes all individuals or organizations that support the Free and Charitable Clinic sector, such as health care partners or consultants. Affiliates receive all membership benefits except eligibility to apply for grants administered by the association.
Affiliate Membership is $350 annually.
Student Member
Student memberships are available to individuals enrolled in a degree program. Qualifying students should be taking at least 6 credit hours (undergraduate degree) or 3 credit hours (graduate degree) per semester or comparable credits in a quarter system. Student membership is available for up to 6 years per degree. Students must provide proof of status to qualify for membership. Please send all documents to
Student membership is $99 annually.